Issued by: Board of Directors

Approved: June 5, 2024
Replaces: April 5, 2023
Due for Renewal: June 5, 2027


The Privacy Officer is appointed by the board of directors and is delegated the authority to intervene on privacy issues relating to any of Event Safety Alliance Canada (ESAC)’s operations. Questions, concerns, or complaints related to ESAC’s privacy policy on the treatment of personal information should be sent to:



The Event Safety Alliance Canada (ESAC) is committed to protecting the privacy of the personal information of its members, event attendees, employees, volunteers, contractors and other participants. We value the trust of those we deal with and of the public and recognize that maintaining this trust requires that we be transparent and accountable in how we treat the information that you choose to share with us. Anyone from whom we collect personal information can expect that it will be carefully protected and that any use of or other dealing with this information is subject to consent. Our privacy practices are designed to achieve this.


Personal information gathered by ESAC is kept in confidence. We will say what personal information we collect, why we collect it, and what we do with it, and will only collect personal information that’s necessary for the stated purpose. Collection, use, or disclosure of personal information will be done only with full knowledge and consent. ESAC will use or disclose personal information only for the purposes for which it was explicitly collected and will keep it only as long as it’s needed for those purposes unless we are legally required to use or disclose it for other purposes. ESAC takes all reasonable measures to ensure the security and integrity of this information and that it is accurate, complete, and up-to-date.


Personal Information is any information that can be used to distinguish, identify or contact a specific individual. This information can include an individual’s opinions or beliefs, as well as facts about, or related to, the individual.


ESAC’s customer relationship management (CRM) tool is Wild Apricot. In addition to processing membership and event registration payments, the CRM is our database for retaining the personal information of our members, sponsors, donors, and participants registered to engage with ESAC programming. In addition to ESAC’s Privacy Policy, you are encouraged to review the privacy policy of Wild Apricot Inc. in consideration of how your personal information will be handled within the operations of the CRM.

ESAC will undertake all reasonable steps to ensure that the information retained in the CRM remains secure.


ESAC does not retain any personal information related exclusively to payment of fees such as credit card numbers or bank account information. ESAC may use other personal information such as email or mailing addresses for the purposes of contacting an individual or organization to issue an invoice, initiate receipt of payment, or otherwise resolve a billing issue.

Any payments made using a third party system, such as Wild Apricot or QuickBooks, are subject to the third party service provider’s privacy policies.


ESAC collects personal information for the primary purpose of conducting our membership and programming operations, including our annual conference and training workshop events, distribution of our newsletter, and for fundraising and sponsorship initiatives.

For individuals under the age of 18, we require the consent of a parent or the Individual’s legal guardian for the collection of your personal information. ESAC will not collect personal information for anyone under the age of 16.

For each operational category below, we will explain: what personal information we’ll collect, why we’ll collect it, what we’ll do with it, and when we’ll get rid of it.

1. Membership Administration: Individual and Honourary

  • ESAC will collect your name, email address, telephone number, province/state of residence, country of residence, and any organizational affiliation that you may or may not choose to disclose.
  • The purpose for collecting this personal information is to be able to identify and communicate with you in the regular operation of our membership program. The purpose for collecting residential and your organizational information is to understand the regional and professional demographics that make up ESAC, allowing us to tailor our programming initiatives to best serve our membership.
  • This personal information will be available to the board of directors, and any administrators of the CRM that the board may appoint. General demographic information may also be made available more broadly, but ESAC will ensure that no individual is identified directly in doing so. ESAC will never sell, trade, or otherwise share our privileged membership information with any third-party.
  • Any of the personal information identified in this section may be made available to ESAC members or the public generally on the ‘Member Directory’ page of the ESAC website, subject to your discretion as indicated by your selections in the ‘Privacy’ section of your membership profile on the CRM platform. The privacy settings of your unique individual profile will be considered as affirmative consent to disseminate your personal information in the manner identified by your selections.

    • While a violation of our Code of Conduct, ESAC cannot guarantee that personal information that you choose to share with members will not be redistributed by individuals or organizations with access to our ‘Member Directory’ or otherwise accessed by third parties outside of our membership.
  • Any of the personal information identified in this section may be made available to Event Safety Alliance (ESA, US) for the purpose of receiving programming benefits from our partner organization. Information will only be shared subject to your discretion as indicated by your selections in your membership profile on the CRM platform. The privacy settings of your unique individual profile will be considered as affirmative consent to disseminate your personal information in the manner identified by your selections.

              • Personal information shared by your consent with the ESA will subsequently be subject to the terms of their privacy policy.
  • Upon the termination of membership, or at the member’s request, ESAC will dispose and destroy all your personal information in a reasonable timeframe, and subject to the applicability of any laws that may require us to retain information for a specified period of time.

2. Membership Administration: Organizational

  • ESAC will collect the personal information of organization name, your name, email address, telephone number, province/state of residence, and country of residence. ESAC will collect the same for all individuals within the bundle of this organizational membership, whether they have provided that personal information directly themselves or whether it has been provided on their behalf by a member of their organizational bundle. Where personal information is provided on behalf of another, as described in this instance, ESAC assumes that consent has been obtained by the party providing the personal information.
  • The purpose for collecting this personal information is to be able to identify and communicate with you in the regular operation of our membership program. The purpose for collecting residential and your organizational information is to understand the regional and professional demographics that make up ESAC, allowing us to tailor our programming initiatives to best serve our membership.
  • This personal information will be available to the board of directors, and any administrators of the CRM that the board may appoint. General demographic information may also be made available more broadly, but ESAC will ensure that no individual is identified directly in doing so. ESAC will never sell, trade, or otherwise share our privileged membership information with any third-party.
  • Any of the personal information identified in this section may be made available to ESAC members or the public generally on the ‘Member Directory’ page of the ESAC website, subject to your discretion as indicated by your selections in the ‘Privacy’ section of your membership profile on the CRM platform. The privacy settings of your unique individual profile will be considered as affirmative consent to disseminate your personal information in the manner identified by your selections.

    • While a violation of our Code of Conduct, ESAC cannot guarantee that personal information that you choose to share with members will not be redistributed by individuals or organizations with access to our ‘Member Directory’ or otherwise accessed by third parties outside of our membership.
  • Any of the personal information identified in this section may be made available to Event Safety Alliance (ESA, US) for the purpose of receiving programming benefits from our partner organization. Information will only be shared subject to your discretion as indicated by your selections in your membership profile on the CRM platform. The privacy settings of your unique individual profile will be considered as affirmative consent to disseminate your personal information in the manner identified by your selections.

              • Personal information shared by your consent with the ESA will subsequently be subject to the terms of their privacy policy.
  • Upon the termination of membership, or at the member’s request, ESAC will dispose and destroy all your personal information in a reasonable timeframe, and subject to the applicability of any laws that may require us to retain information for a specified period of time.

3. Membership Administration: Student

  • In addition to all personal information identified for Individual and Honourary membership categories, ESAC will collect proof of full-time enrollment in a post-secondary learning institution.
  • The purpose for collecting this personal information is to confirm eligibility for this category of membership.
  • This personal information will be available to the board of directors, and any administrators of the CRM that the board may appoint. ESAC will never sell, trade, or otherwise share our privileged membership information with any third-party.
  • Any of the personal information identified in this section may be made available to ESAC members or the public generally on the ‘Member Directory’ page of the ESAC website, subject to your discretion as indicated by your selections in the ‘Privacy’ section of your membership profile on the CRM platform. The privacy settings of your unique individual profile will be considered as affirmative consent to disseminate your personal information in the manner identified by your selections.

    • While a violation of our Code of Conduct, ESAC cannot guarantee that personal information that you choose to share with members will not be redistributed by individuals or organizations with access to our ‘Member Directory’ or otherwise accessed by third parties outside of our membership.
  • Any of the personal information identified in this section may be made available to Event Safety Alliance (ESA, US) for the purpose of receiving programming benefits from our partner organization. Information will only be shared subject to your discretion as indicated by your selections in your membership profile on the CRM platform. The privacy settings of your unique individual profile will be considered as affirmative consent to disseminate your personal information in the manner identified by your selections.

              • Personal information shared by your consent with the ESA will subsequently be subject to the terms of their privacy policy.
  • Upon the termination of membership, or at the member’s request, ESAC will dispose and destroy all your personal information in a reasonable timeframe, and subject to the applicability of any laws that may require us to retain information for a specified period of time.

4. ESAC Forum

                • By posting on an ESAC forum, you are providing content, which may include your personal beliefs and opinions, for the express purpose that it will be disseminated and made available to be viewed by other members. By posting on an ESAC forum, you are presumed to be providing affirmative consent for the publication of this information.
                            • Please note that while content posted in the ESAC Forum is limited to viewing by parties with an active membership, membership can be obtained by anyone that meets the criteria of the organization’s bylaws. While a violation of our ESAC Forum rules, ESAC cannot ensure that any personal information you choose to post in the ESAC Forum will not be redistributed by other members or otherwise accessed by third parties outside of our membership. 

5. Event Registration

  • ESAC will collect your name, email address, telephone number, province/state of residence, country of residence, and any organizational affiliation that you may or may not choose to disclose.
  • The purpose for collecting this personal information is to be able to identify and communicate with you in the administration and operations of our event. Your personal information will be used to confirm your identity as the registrant and grant you admission accordingly. The purpose for collecting residential and your organizational information is to understand the regional and professional demographics that make up ESAC, allowing us to tailor our program content to best serve our membership.
  • This personal information will be available to the board of directors, any administrators of the CRM that the board may appoint, and any volunteers that may be appointed to administer registration at the event. Your name will be displayed on your name tag which will be required to be visible at the event to confirm admission, in addition to facilitating an environment for active networking.
  • Following the conclusion of the event, or at the registrant’s request, ESAC will dispose and destroy all your personal information in a reasonable timeframe, and subject to the applicability of any laws that may require us to retain information for a specified period of time.

6. Event Attendance/Participation

  • When attending an ESAC event may capture, through audio and video recording or photography, your name, voice, photograph, or likeness. It may also be the case that your opinions, beliefs, or other similar personal facts are captured.
    • Please note, that it is fundamental to ESAC’s mission to share content produced at our events with the world broadly. This will frequently include further dissemination by third-parties, which may be difficult or practically impossible to recall once released. While we will make the best efforts reasonable in the circumstances to accommodate privacy requests at our events, and retrospectively where concerns later arise, we may not be able to guarantee the privacy of our attendees with absolute certainty.
  • The purpose for collecting this personal information is for use as content for our website, in marketing and fundraising initiatives, streaming, publishing, and for archival purposes. This information may also be used to inform the future development of programming.
  • This personal information will typically be available publicly, and generally with the intention that it be received as broadly as possible. Audio, video, and photography captured at an ESAC event may be shared with third-parties for redistribution.
  • By attending an ESAC event, you are providing your implied consent for the personal information noted in this category to be collected, used, and disclosed as described.
    • Specific to persons speaking at an ESAC event, the manner in which your personal information will be collected, used, and disclosed (exceeding the general scope of this section) will be as described in the speaker agreement and release form, and is subject to your express consent provided by your signature of that document.
  • If you do not wish to be captured as described in this category, you must identify yourself to an ESAC representative upon arrival at the event in which you are attending. The ESAC representative will identify you to those responsible for capturing footage. Best efforts will be made to avoid capturing your personal information, which may include relocating you physically within the event to a designated area. If, despite our best efforts, your personal information is subsequently used in the manner described in this category, or you wish to withdraw your consent following the event, please contact ESAC’s Privacy Officer identified at the top of this policy.

7. Sponsorship and Fundraising

  • ESAC will collect the sponsor/donor’s name, physical address, name(s) of a(the) designated contact(s), email address(es) for the designated contact(s), and telephone number(s) for the designated contact(s). We will also collect biographical data related to the sponsor/donor’s contribution interest, past sponsorship/donation, and other related information.
  • The purpose for collecting this personal information is to be able to identify and communicate with you in the regular operation of our sponsorship and fundraising initiatives. The purpose for collecting the biographical data noted in this category is to assess opportunities to.
  • Your personal information will be available to any current director of the board, any current members of the fundraising committee, which may include volunteer members from outside of the board of directors, and ESAC’s Public Accountant. Unless otherwise directed, the sponsor/donor’s name and their level of contribution may also be recognized publicly. Sponsorship/donor information may also be reported to government agencies as may be required by law.
  • At the sponsor/donor’s request, ESAC will dispose and destroy all your personal information in a reasonable timeframe, and subject to the applicability of any laws that may require us to retain information for a specified period of time. ESAC will otherwise retain personal information related to sponsors and donors indefinitely, subject to the discretion of the board and in accordance with regulatory requirements.

8. Newsletter Subscription

  • ESAC will collect your email address, province/state of residence, country of residence, and occupation.
  • The purpose for collecting this personal information is to be able to communicate with you, specifically so that you may receive the newsletter as you’ve requested. The purpose for collecting residential and occupational information is to understand the regional and professional demographics that make up our mailing list, allowing us to tailor our content to best serve the interests of our subscribers.
  • Your personal information will be available to any current director of the board, and any current members of the marketing and communications committee, which may include volunteer members from outside of the board of directors. ESAC will never sell, trade, or otherwise share our mailing list with any third-party.
  • By clicking on the unsubscribe button at the bottom of any newsletter you have received, you may withdraw your consent to receive the ESAC newsletter and have your personal information removed from the mailing list with immediate effect. You may also contact the Privacy Officer identified at the top of this policy, and your request to withdraw consent and destroy your personal information will be completed within a reasonable period of time.

9. Board Application

  • If you choose to be considered to serve on the board of directors, ESAC will collect your residential address, current employer, resume, your responses to a suitability questionnaire, and your optional self-identification of your diversity identity. If you are not already a member of ESAC, we will also collect your name, email address, and telephone number.
    • ESAC will also collect the personal information of two (2) third party references which will include their names, organizations, nature of their relationship to you, telephone numbers, and email addresses. You will be asked to provide this personal information, and you will be responsible to ensure that you have consent to provide it to ESAC.
  • The purpose for collecting this personal information is to effectively evaluate a candidate’s suitability to be put forward as a recommended nominee to be elected as a director. We will also use your personal information to contact you as required.
  • Your personal information, and that of your third party references, will be available to any current director of the board, and in particular the members of the nominations committee. Your personal information may also be shared with the membership in advance of the election at the annual general meeting so that they may identify you, consider your suitability to serve as a director, and determine whether or not they will vote to elect you.
  • If you are elected to the board of directors, your name, address, telephone number, email address will be retained. All other information will be disposed of within a reasonable period of time following the election.

10. Board Administration

  • ESAC will collect your name, residential address, telephone number, email address, duality/conflict of interest disclosure, ‘headshot’ photograph, and a short biography.
  • ESAC will use your personal information to communicate with you for the purposes of board operations. Your personal information may also be shared with third-parties including for banking, insurance, and other reasonable purposes related to the governance of the organization. Your name, photograph, and biography will be used publicly, including on our website, so that our members and the public generally can get to know the leaders of our organization.
    • Upon election and in accordance with Canada NFP Corporations Act (2009), ESAC will disclose your name, residential address, telephone number, and date of election to Corporations Canada. Your name and residential address will subsequently be publicly available on Corporation Canada’s directory of federal corporations.
  • Your personal information will be available to the board of directors.
  • Information related to governance is of significant archival importance to the organization. This includes the personal information of our directors. As such, personal information relating to board directors will only be destroyed upon request of an individual, and only where it is lawful to do so.

11. Surveys and Questionnaires

  • ESAC may, from time-to-time, seek to collect personal information which may include your opinions, beliefs, or other similar personal facts in addition to other identifying information.
  • The purpose for collecting this data is to conduct surveys and questionnaires that allow us to tailor our programming initiatives and content to best serve our membership and to otherwise advance our educational mission.
  • Any identifiable personal information will only be seen by members of the board of directors, or members of a committee to which the information is relevant. If any results are published, it will be done either by way of aggregate data or in such a manner as no individual is identifiable.
  • Identifiable personal information obtained through a survey or questionnaire will only be kept for as long as it is needed, at which point it will be destroyed.


All personal information of ESAC members, event registrants, employees, volunteers, contractors, sponsors, donors, directors and other participants is strictly confidential shall not be released for use by others outside ESAC, except as provided for in this Privacy Policy, with prior and specific written authorization, or as required by applicable by law.

For our internal operational purposes, collected information may be processed such as to analyze trends and statistics, for audits, to develop new initiatives, to enhance our websites, to improve our services.

ESAC may use your personal information to send you more information about ESAC’s events and related events, sometimes held by third-party organizations, only if you have opted in to receive this information.

ESAC will not sell, trade or share otherwise our mailing lists.

Individuals have full access to any personal information that has been collected about them. To arrange access to or change any information that is not accurate, complete, or up-to-date, please contact our Privacy Officer as indicated at the top of this policy.


ESAC will take all reasonable measures to assure the security and integrity of your personal information is accurate, and that it is complete and up-to-date.


The Board of Directors of ESAC will review this policy once every three years and will include this policy with other policy documents of the organization.

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Event Safety Alliance Canada

We bring people, organizations, and businesses together in the shared mission of making the health, wellbeing, and safety of everyone the priority at Canadian events.

Copyright © Event Safety Alliance Canada 2024
Powered by Wild Apricot Membership Software